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Showing 145-161 of 161 results

Social Studies (Grade 6 - Grade 8)

Go back in time to the ancient civilizations of Hebrew, India China, Rome, Islam and Africa. Examine the geographic, political, economic, religious and social structures of each these societies.

How did they thrive when there weren’t any technological advancements? What legacies did they leave the world? How come that we know so much about them today when they’ve lived thousands of years ago?

But ancient civilizations are not the only subjects discussed in these books. A good majority of these curriculum books focus on the early history of the United States.

Topics covered start from the Age of Exploration, the English colonization, and the American Revolution. Of course, there will be mentions of people who made history during these times. The creation of the US government, the evolution of its economy and the early years of politics are important lessons to add to your child’s knowledge of history.

It is important that you invest in curriculum focused books to increase academic excellence while decreasing disinterest. Grab a copy today!

My Piggy Bank is Hungry! How to Save money for Kids |...

$17.99 USD

The Russian Revolution - History Books for Kids | Children's History

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Where is Mongolia? Geography Book Grade 6 | Children's Geography & Cultures...

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What Was Life Like Under Apartheid? History Books for Kids | Children's...

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The Allied Powers vs. The Axis Powers in World War II -...

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The Role of Women in the American Revolution - History Picture Books...

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Pearl Harbor : The Attack that Pushed the US to Battle -...

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Weather for Kids - Pictionary | Glossary Of Weather Terms for Kids...

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Storming of the Bastille: The Start of the French Revolution - History...

$17.99 USD

The Start and End of the Korean War - History Book of...

$17.99 USD

Did the World War II Spies Have Super Cool Gadgets? History Book...

$17.99 USD

How Machines Changed Cultures : Industrial Revolution for Kids - History for...

$17.99 USD

Empress Wu: Breaking and Expanding China - Ancient China Books for Kids...

$17.99 USD

Ancient Rome for Kids - Early History, Science, Architecture, Art and Government...

$17.99 USD

The 4-Day Battle of Midway - History Book for 12 Year Old...

$17.99 USD

High Risk: U.S. Presidents who were Killed in Office | Children's Government...

$17.99 USD

Environment and Ecology for Kids | Weather, Water and Heat Quiz Book...

$17.99 USD

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