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Grade 7 Social Studies: Reconstruction

This collection for Grade 7 students focused on Social Studies: Reconstruction. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, delves into the critical period following the Civil War, exploring the efforts to rebuild and reunite the nation, the broader impacts of these efforts, and the continued expansion westward. The series covers essential topics such as Restoring the Union, The Effects of Reconstruction, and Westward Movement, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and changes that shaped post-war America. The series begins with "Restoring the Union," which examines the policies and political actions undertaken to reintegrate the Southern states into the Union and redefine the legal and social status of African Americans. This section discusses the roles of key figures such as Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson, the radical Republicans in Congress, and the passing of landmark amendments to the Constitution. "The Effects of Reconstruction" focuses on the social, economic, and political outcomes of the Reconstruction efforts, both successful and failed. It explores the establishment of the Freedmen's Bureau, the rise of sharecropping, the implementation of Black Codes, and the eventual emergence of Jim Crow laws. This part also discusses the impact of Reconstruction policies on both the North and the South and the lasting legacies of this tumultuous period. "Westward Movement" shifts the focus to the continued expansion of the United States across the continent. This segment highlights the Homestead Act, the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad, and the impact of these developments on Native American populations, as well as the exploration and settlement of new territories. Each book in this series encourages students to explore the complexities of the Reconstruction era and its significance in American history. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of how the nation struggled and evolved in the aftermath of the Civil War. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ knowledge of American history, preparing them for more detailed explorations in the consequences of the Civil War, the challenges of Reconstruction, and the dynamics of the Westward Movement.

Rebuilding the South | President Grant's Efforts of Reconstruction | Grade 7...

$22.99 USD

What Was It Like? Life of Native Americans During the Westward Movement...

$18.99 USD

Then What Happened? Aftermath of the Civil War History Grade 7 Children's...

$18.99 USD
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