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Grade 5 Social Studies: Geography of the United States

This collection for Grade 5 students focused on Social Studies: Geography of the United States. This educational collection, aligned with educational standards, provides a comprehensive exploration of the physical and political geography of the United States. Topics covered include States and Capitals, Major Cities, Regional descriptions of the East Coast, Midwest & the Great Plains, and the Western Region, as well as detailed studies of Eastern Rivers, Major Rivers like the Columbia and Rio Grande, the Continental Divide, and the Different Time Zones across the nation. This series equips students with a deep understanding of the diverse landscapes and the administrative divisions of the U.S. The series starts with "States and Capitals," providing a foundational knowledge of the political map of the United States, followed by "Major Cities," which highlights the economic, cultural, and historical significance of America’s largest urban centers. Regional examinations include "Regions Along the East Coast," discussing the unique geographical and cultural aspects of states from Maine to Florida; "Midwest & the Great Plains," covering the agricultural heartland and its economic impact; and "Western Region," focusing on the varied climates and industries from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific coast. "Eastern Rivers" and "Major Rivers" segments explore the critical waterways that have shaped the country’s development, including the Columbia and Rio Grande Rivers, detailing their roles in agriculture, transportation, and urban planning. "The Continental Divide" explains this natural boundary's influence on river flow directions and its ecological and geological significance. Lastly, "The Different Time Zones" teaches students about the division of the country into distinct time zones, their historical reasons, and their effects on communication and travel. Each book in this series encourages students to explore and appreciate the vast geographical diversity of the United States. This educational content promotes curiosity, critical thinking, and a deeper understanding of the country's physical features and how they impact social and economic life. This series serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking content that enriches students’ geographic knowledge of the United States, preparing them for more detailed explorations in geography, history, and social studies.

What Time is It Now?: Understanding How Global Time Zones Work Grade...

$18.99 USD

Let's Take a Road Trip!: Major Cities and States in the US...

$18.99 USD

What Is The Continental Divide? America Geography Grade 5 Children's Geography &...

$18.99 USD

Cruising the Major Rivers of America: Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio American Geography Book...

$18.99 USD

The Three Major Rivers of the East Coast: James, Hudson, St. Lawrence...

$18.99 USD

Every Explorer Should Visit the Western Region | Books on America Grade...

$18.99 USD

Beautiful Scenery at the Midwest & the Great Plains | United States...

$18.99 USD

Locating Regions Along the East Coast | Geography of the United States...

$18.99 USD

Beautiful America | Geography of the United States | Book for Curious...

$18.99 USD

The Importance of the Columbia & Rio Grande Rivers | American Geography...

$18.99 USD
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