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Showing 73-96 of 138 results

Grade 4 STEM Focused Science & Social Studies Curriculum Titles

Our Grade 4 STEM Focused Science Collection begins explores critical concepts such as the properties and states of matter. Other key concepts include heat as energy, the flow of energy, force, the principles of sound, formation and composition of rocks, soil, systems of the universe and much more. This well-rounded collection will offer students so much insight into their environment and what is happening around us every day.

The Speedy Publishing Grade 4 Social Studies STEM Focused Collection explores ancient history in the form of Mayan, Incan, and Aztec history, the American and French Revolutions: geography topics such land formations, climates, pollution, natural resources, and rivers. Learn about the fascinating heritage of Native Americans, the formation of the US government and early Congress. Dive into key documents such as the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

The Role of Greens : Plants and the Food Web | Science...


Who Named the Planets? : Discovering and Naming Planets | Astronomy Beginners'...


How Do You Measure Heat? | Changes in Matter & Energy Grade...


The Ancient Civilization of the Indus River | Indus Civilization Grade 4...


Trouble in the Colonies : The Beginnings of the Revolution | U.S....


Why Can't I Feel the Earth Moving? : A Study of How...


Our Sun : A Star and Energy Source | Astronomy Beginners' Guide...


An Investigation Into the Effects of Force on Objects | Changes in...


The Effects of Force and Motion on Simple Machines | Changes in...


The Art of Careful Experimentation : Long-Term Investigations | The Scientific Method...


Should I Use Charts, Graphs or Drawings? : How to Accurately Display...


What is a Food Web? | Science of Living Things Grade 4...


The Energy Pyramid : How Energy Flows from One Object to Another...


Earth : The Third Rock from the Sun | Astronomy Beginners' Guide...


The Universe and Its Galaxies | Guide to Astronomy Grade 4 |...


What Is Earth's Soil Made Of? | Introduction to Physical Geology Grade...


Where Is My Family? Instrument Families | Introduction to Sound as Energy...


The Physical Phenomena of Sound | Introduction to Sound as Energy Grade...


How Do People Use Energy? | Power and the Environment Grade 4...


The Many Kinds of Energy and Their Unique Uses | Energy and...


Chemical Changes in Matter | Matter Books for Kids Grade 4 |...


Physical Changes in Matter | Matter for Kids Grade 4 | Children's...


How Do You Measure Matter? | Changes in Matter & Energy Grade...


How to Do Simple Experiments | A Kid's Practice Guide to Understanding...


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