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Grade 2 Science: Earth

This collection for Grade 2 students focused on Science: Earth, specifically exploring topics such as the History of Earth and Earth's Features. This collection is aligned with the STEM curriculum and is designed to fascinate young learners with the dynamic processes and features that have shaped our planet over billions of years. The series begins with the History of Earth, where students discover the formation of the planet, the changes it has undergone through geological time, and the events that have shaped its landscapes and environments. In exploring Earth's Features, the books delve into various natural formations such as mountains, rivers, volcanoes, and valleys, explaining how these features were formed and how they continue to change. Through vivid illustrations, engaging stories, and interactive activities, each book helps children understand complex geological concepts in a simplified manner. Students are encouraged to think critically about the Earth’s past and its ongoing transformations, fostering a deeper appreciation for the planet. This collection serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians seeking educational content that promotes exploration, critical thinking, and an understanding of Earth science. Through this series, children develop foundational knowledge about the Earth, preparing them for more detailed studies in geology and environmental science.

How Erosion and Weathering Change the Features of the Earth | Earth...

$22.99 USD

What Did Baby Earth Look Like? Tracing Earth's History Grade 2 Children's...

$18.99 USD
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