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Grade 2 Science: Balance in Nature

This collection for Grade 2 students focused on Science: Balance in Nature, specifically exploring topics such as Eco Awareness, Habitats, and Food Webs. This collection is aligned with the STEM curriculum and is designed to engage young learners with the interconnectedness of ecosystems and the importance of maintaining balance in nature. The series starts with Eco Awareness, where students learn about the impact of human activities on the environment and the importance of conservation efforts to preserve natural resources. In the section on Habitats, the books explore different types of natural environments, from forests and oceans to deserts and tundras, detailing how various organisms adapt to their surroundings. The topic of Food Webs is addressed by illustrating how energy flows through an ecosystem, connecting all living things through intricate relationships. Through vivid illustrations, engaging narratives, and interactive activities, each book helps children understand the delicate balance that sustains life on Earth. Students are encouraged to participate in discussions and projects that promote environmental stewardship and a deeper appreciation for biodiversity. This collection serves as a valuable resource for educators and librarians looking for educational content that promotes exploration, critical thinking, and an understanding of ecological principles. Through this series, children develop foundational knowledge about ecosystems, preparing them for more detailed studies in environmental science and biology.

Earth Needs You and Me : Introducing Eco Awareness to Grade 2...

$22.99 USD

Animals Have Homes, Too : A Second Grader's Book on Habitats |...

$22.99 USD

What Is the Food Web? Understanding Energy Transfers From One Organism to...

$18.99 USD
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